Just Getting Started

Brooke Childs
2 min readAug 20, 2020

Well well, here I am. After months, no actually, after YEARS of sitting around bored and borderline depressed on Sunday afternoons, I am writing. It may not be good writing, and there may also not be a particular message in this post. Despite all that it is a start to what will be a beautiful journey, success or no success notwithstanding.

All too often I lounge around reading blog posts while I ponder the inevitability of my mundane future, filled with the curse of humanity. That is to say, a future governed by the monotony of everyday human life. What is the point of this existence? Is this what I will do everyday forever? Do I really matter? How can I become special or extraordinary? What is the secret? I don’t even have to explain because I know most readers will understand what I mean by secret. The secret to escaping the ordinary, the secret to living a life of adventure in the midst of this 21st century life of convenience and quiet desperation.

Here I am searching for that secret by writing. Putting one word down after another instead of mindlessly watching Netflix or listening to funny podcasts about girls who exploit themselves and their actions for money (although I do enjoy a good Call Her Daddy episode every once in a while).. So often I find myself in the pit of despair even surrounded by all my luxuries in life. Here is to hoping I can find the adventure, possibly through simply sharing my words. Wish me luck and take a moment to do something for yourself today.

How will you escape the ordinary?



Brooke Childs

I do indeed love strawberry milkshakes, rainy days, all types of noodles and a good book. What do you love?